Mst project

mst-projectSome of these men who go to red-light districts looking for sex are hurting and in need and are trying to fill that need and hurt with love and intimacy. Yet, the love and intimacy that they seek in a red-light district is not the answer. When the MST Project first started there were a few people who said that there was no hope for these men, that they were better left alone or ignored. But where is the compassion of God in that? We do not look at these men for where they currently are but rather for where they can be with a transformed heart. How many of us grew up in a broken home, have looked for love and intimacy in all the wrong places, or have struggled with issues that are common to men; yet God has brought about redemption in our lives. The MST Project wants to reach out to these men and be an example of restoration and redemption.

It is our responsibility to go to these men, when very few will, and bring the love of God to them in an area where they least expect it, by those whom they least expect it from. Some of these men are like us, and it is our hope that they will experience the love and the hope that is found in a relationship with Him. The Father’s love is available to all, in all places and at all times. The hope we have in Him can cause a man to return to his wife and become a better husband. Can cause him to return to his children and become a better father. Can cause him to return to his community and become an example, not a statistic.

God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. This includes men in red-light districts. Therefore, we choose to stand on the street corner and offer them HOPE.